If you are thinking of increasing the security of your home, the first step is to have a good lock. In the market, there are many brands and models, so here we will give you some odd advice to choose the lock or bolt that best suits your needs. Experts say thieves give up within a few minutes of trying to open a lock. In this way, if we have a good lock or security lock, the chances of entering our home will be lower.
To choose a type of lock, the best thing to do is trust the hands and experience of a trusted professional key locksmith in Ottawa Ontario. They will meet your needs and meet the latest market models to provide you with the security you are looking for.
Of course, before installing a bolt or security lock you must know the characteristics of your access door. There are enclosure models that only work with security doors. On the other hand, there are models that due to their complex installation method, cannot be implanted in old doors or of a certain material. You also have to keep in mind, the purpose of that lock, it is not the same to change the lock of an entrance door than of a room or garage.
Once you know the characteristics of the door you must choose a security mechanism that meets your expectations. In the market there are numerous models, so we must take into account aspects such as resistance of the lock or bolt if it has an anti-dumping, anti-shock mechanism, number of cylinders. On the other hand, if we decide to install an electric lock, we must take into account the mechanism, the opening mode, the durability of the battery etc.
Types of Locks
As you can see, there are plenty of options to choose from in the market, but in key Locksmith, in Ottawa Ontario, we can find two types of locks: The surface locks of temporary locks. The recessed locks are located inside the door and have different security categories. With the panic mechanism, with slip and one or more closures or with slip, closure and insurance or conviction, they are the most used.
On the contrary, the surface locks are screwed on the inner face of the door and its strike is also screwed to the outer face of the frame. They can be with simple, multi-closing, or multipoint closure. In addition to these two models, there are other types of locks such as drag, electromagnetic or lock. The latter is highly recommended by locksmiths for their high security. These types of locks are ideal for if you want to increase the security of your home, without having to change the door.
Safety Bolts
Like the surface locks in the market, we find different security locks. Its purpose is the same, to give extra security to the access door.
Within this type of lock, key Locksmith in Ottawa Ontario finds the electric locks. A type of enclosure that is operated through remote control and that leaves no trace on the outside of the door. This mechanism is very safe since if a thief tries to access it, he will not know about the existence of this lock, in addition to not knowing where it is located. If you need more information on the placement of locks or security locks, in “fastkey.ca” we have the best locksmiths to solve all your doubts and install the security method you need.