There are many ways to protect your property, some people choose to fit good quality locks, while others use guard dogs for domestic and commercial premises. One of the most effective ways to safeguard your family and your belongings is to install CCTV and security lighting. You can purchase and fit these items yourself or have electrical services in Solihull look after the project. If you don’t fancy wiring a CCTV system along with security lighting, pass it on to the experts. There are numerous benefits to installing CCTV and security lights on your property, here are just some of the main ones.

  • Crime Deterrent
  • Monitor Activity
  • Collect Evidence
  • Keep Records
  • Lower Premium

If you receive a visitor late at night, you can identify who they are without having to open the door. These systems are also great for the elderly, older adults are more vulnerable, especially when they live alone.

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Active System

If you install CCTV, you’ve a 24 hour around the clock surveillance that records anyone coming or going from your home. The moment a criminal sets eyes on a residential CCTV system, they usually tuck tail and run. In addition to your CCTV, you can also programme your security lighting to come on at regular intervals during the night. If you aren’t home until late, your security lights can be activated hourly to act as a deterrent. Some systems will allow you to view your CCTV and control your lights from your smartphone – how convenient is that?