Broken appliances can really bring out your anger, when it doesn’t work when you want to can be exhausting. You might as well sit on the floor banging on it, or turning it on and off hoping for a miracle that it might end up working somehow. Well it’s nice to hope for miracles, but it’s even better if you can get some assistance from Sub Zero Repair in Denver. They can get your appliances up and running in no time, so don’t worry about crying your eyes out or getting frustrated at inanimate objects, it won’t do you any good.

Who are they?

They are just like any other repair service that you can find, it is a group of well experienced technicians that offer a number of services. This company first started in Los Angeles repairing refrigerators, and as their company expanded they grew into other states and expanded their services as well. You will see that they are highly trained and is always improving the skills and knowledge with more training, and workshops. They have been in business for over a decade, so they know exactly what they are doing.

Why should you choose them?

Out of all the repair shops you should choose Sub Zero Repair in Denver due to many reasons. First of all they have got the experience, over 10 years of it, and as time goes on they’ve been improving their skills. And they only use their original parts for replacements and repairs, that way it ensure a better performance of the appliance. The best part about them is that they offer 24/7 service, with same day repair as well. So if your wine cooler broke down before a huge party, you can call them up and get it fixed in no time. And if you’re not satisfied with the work you can always get a warranty on the parts and the labour.

How to contact them?

This is fairly easy to do, all you have to do is go on their site,, and at the very top of the page you will be welcomed with a telephone number; 386-222-3610, you can give them a call, ask them to come in and fix it for you, or call an gain some insight on the estimates. Another way you can contact them is directly through the site, send them a message, and they’ll get back to you as soon they can.